Presented by Mark Carangelo
Date: Saturday, March 23, 2019
Time: 9am-5pm
Tuition: $140 (or $125 if combined with Septa)
CEUs: 8
Course Description: Cupping therapy is a Traditional Chinese Medicine technique that has been used for thousands of years as a highly effective treatment for a variety of conditions, including skin conditions and musculoskeletal complaints.
The course will begin with a thorough history of cupping and move into how to utilize the cups and how to sanitize and clean the cups. We will also discuss contraindications and indications regarding cupping. There are many known benefits of cupping, by lifting tissue instead of pressing tissue. The lifting of tissue has a profound effect on the deeper structures.
Participants will be able to show proficiency in utilizing cupping on various parts of the body.
This course will instruct by demonstration/practice with participants utilizing techniques: cupping on the neck, shoulders, arms, wrist and hands, along with abdomen, back, gluteals, legs, calves and feet.
Intermuscular Septum Massage
Presented by Mark Carangelo
Date: Sunday, March 24, 2019
Time: 9am-5pm
Tuition: $140 (or $125 if combined with Cupping)
CEUs: 8
Course Description: "The Missing Link in adhesions."
Intermuscular Septum is described as: A thin layer of closely packed bundles of collagen fibers, possibly with several preferential directions predominating, arranged in various layers. The septa separate different, usually antagonistic, muscle groups (for example, flexors and extensors), but may not limit force transmission.
This course will focus on techniques to separate muscles throughout the body, along their septa, to release adhesions.
Boulevard Plaza Musical Theater Workshops
3817 Martinez Boulevard
Augusta, GA 30907
Phone: 732-651-6060
Email: [email protected]
* You can register for only one of the classes, or receive a discounted price for the whole weekend: