Presented by Mark Carangelo
Date: Saturday, October 19, 2019
Time: 9am-6pm
Tuition: $140 (or $125 if combined with Ortho)
CEUs: 8
Course Description: Pin and Stretch Technique is a movement based muscle lengthening approach that is highly effective at assisting/treating issues with muscle, tendon, ligament and fascia. Tissues that may appear abnormal with regard to texture, tightness, movement, and function are treated with stretching combines with sliding force, which are intended to increase movement of the tissues by removing or breaking up adhesions. You may accomplish this by way of C-clamping or direct pressure applied tissue you wish to release. Pin and Stretch requires client participation for its overall effectiveness with regards to Targeted areas that are identified in muscles and tendons where overuse or dysfunction may have caused repetitive injury and the potential for scar tissue build up. As a result, this may cause nerve irritation, shorten the potential length of muscles and may produce tendons irritation. By this application of direct pressure while the client performs specific motions to lengthen the tissue in the specific movements, the result is to ultimately release underlying tissues. This has the potential to increases blood flow, reduces nerve pain, improve range of motion, and increases strength.
Mountain View Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
430 Hwy 221 South
Rutherfordton, NC 28139
Phone: 732-651-6060
Email: [email protected]
Orthopedic Assessment & Correction
Presented by Mark Carangelo
Date: Sunday, October 20, 2019
Time: 9am-6pm
Tuition: $140 (or $125 if combined with P&S)
CEUs: 8
Course Description: A systematic process of gathering information, which provides the therapist the information necessary to determine appropriate treatment. Identify the tissues involved and assess their dysfunction. The therapist will utilize the below techniques to assess the client. With these assessments we can ascertain which techniques may assist the client in less pain. Range of motion and resistive testing (Protocol) 1)Evaluate the client’s ability to move actively Active ROM use both contractile tissues (muscles and tendons) which produce movement and inert tissues (nerves, bursa and fascia) 2)Evaluate the clients ability to move passively Passive ROM uses the inert tissues (joints, nerves, bursa and fascia) which reveal different symptoms than contractile tissues 3)Evaluate the clients ability against resistance (isometric movements) These tests may confirm the active tests. Since these tests involve no movement the inert tissues are not involved. These tests involve the proper contraction of muscles and tendons 4)Special tests These tests are Orthopedics tests and may indicate a specific problem such as rotator cuff tears and carpal tunnel syndrome. The tests results are either positive or negative. 5) Joint Capsule Work While checking client`s range of motion observe the end feel of the movement. If the end feel is bone on bone like perform capsule work. If end feel is leather in feel perform soft tissue work.
Mountain View Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
430 Hwy 221 South
Rutherfordton, NC 28139
Phone: 732-651-6060
Email: [email protected]
* You can register for only one of the classes, or receive a discounted price for the whole weekend:
Register here for Pin & Stretch - $140
Register here for Orthopedic Assessment & Correction - $140
Register here for both Pin & Stretch and Orthopedic Assessment & Correction - $250 (save $30)